Electrical system is the most important part of motorcycle components. The electrical system must be able to supply power to support the needs of the motorcycle in order to run.To be able to know the electrical system, you should need to know the meaning of colors used on motorcycles. Because every color of the cable there is its own utility. The cable colors include:
1. For Yamaha output motor.
The red wire is the positive current of the battery.
Green color as a positive current in lighting.
The yellow color is a positive sign for the remote light.
Black color serves as the period.
Brown color, positive flow for riting.
Green - black wire for positive current on braking.
The red - white cable as a positive current on the cdi pulser.
2. The color function of Honda brand cable
The red wire as a positive current for the ignition.
Black color cable is a positive current for the battery.
The yellow color as a positive current on the light switch.
White color for positive current on charging and close light.
The gray color cable is a positive current on the flaser.
The blue color as a positive current on the remote light.
The orange color cable is a positive current on the left rip.
Blue sea cable as a positive current on the right riting.
The brown cable is a positive current on the city lights.
Black - white color cable as a positive current for the ignition.
Black color cable - red for positive current on cool spool.
The black-yellow cable is the positive current on the coil.
The blue-yellow wire serves a positive current for the cube pulse spool.
The green - yellow wire serves a positive current for the brake lights.
3. Color cable on suzuki brand motor.
White wire - red as positive current as charging from Magnit.
The black - white color is the negative current for the period.
Wired white - black for positive current on braking lights.
White to blue cable for positive current from coil to cdi.
Blue-yellow wire used positive pulse spool pulse to cdi.
Red wire as a positive current on the battery.
The orange color cable is a positive current for the ignition.
Light green color cable as a positive current on the right riting.
The gray color cable is a positive current for the stop bolb.
Black color cable as positive riting left current.
4. Color cable for Kawasaki motor.
Green color cable as a positive current on the left riting.
Blue wire is a positive current on brake lights.
Red wire as a positive current for bolb stop.
The brown cable for the positive flow to the horn.
The gray color cable as a positive current for the right riting.
Black color - yellow wire is the time.
The red-yellow wire as a positive current for the near light.
The red - black wire is a positive current.
The white-red wire as a positive current for the battery.
When viewed from the use of electric current, the electrical system can be categorized in several categories, among others:
1.Power plant system.
2.Ignition system.
3 Lighting system.
4.Charging system.
5.Stater system.
From the explanation, can be taken the usefulness of the knowledge of motorcycle electrical system. It can be used as a base in the maintenance of motorcycles that we already have.
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